Saturday, February 12, 2011

#292 Temple

We just got back from Temple. We went to services because my 7 year old was singing with his religious school choir there. This was the first time I had been to services in about as long as I can remember and the first time my husband and kids ever been.

Even though I’m not very religious, I still expected to feel something. I can remember going to services when I was younger and feeling some awe and reverence at the experience and the words and the music. Today I didn’t feel much at all.

I kept thinking about Eric and his search for religion and spirituality in his life. He eventually found what he was looking for in Christianity. To be honest, I’m not really looking, but there is a part of me that wishes I was more engaged. I liked seeing my family all dressed up, I just wish I felt more a part of that community. I wish it filled a need in my life.

The service was ok. It was led by the sixth grade youth group and they were hard to hear which made the service hard to follow. The melodies to the songs were all different from the ones I had grown up with, and frankly pretty monotonous. I spent most of the time trying to keep my 4 year old relatively quiet and amused while waiting for the older son to sing.

The choir did a great job, although we need to work on stage presence with my son. I happen to know he loved being up there, but if you didn’t know that you’d think he hated it. He looked scared and he yawned, hugely, twice. Of course another little boy was picking stuff out of his ears….

I’m glad we went because it meant a lot to my son. I spent the morning before we went wondering if I’d want to make it a more common occurrence in our lives. I think I know the answer to that now.

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