Friday, February 11, 2011

#291 Ever-powerful and Manly

It seems I am not the only one in the house who is interested in names. Of course, we are all thinking about names because we have a new little one coming who is going to need one, but lately my 7 year old has been asking about name meanings. He learned at religious school that Isaac means “laughing one”, and told the little boy in his class named Isaac about this. They both agreed that the meaning fit.

While I know I investigated the meanings of their names before I named my kids, I must admit that had little to do with why I chose the names and I have forgotten the meanings. Last night we looked them up.

My oldest son’s first name means “asked of God”. This is actually pretty appropriate given that we had to go through fertility treatments before we were able to get pregnant with him and I know I was desperately asking God for a baby.

My second son’s name means “goodness of the Lord”. Again this is appropriate. I had a miscarriage in between the births of our two sons, so the Lord was being good in letting me carry this baby to term, and my son is (generally) a good sweet child.

We didn’t stop with the meanings of the kids’ names; we looked up my name and my husband’s as well. My husband’s name means “who is like God”. I hope he doesn’t get too carried away by that. My name means “consecrated to God”. From all of this you’d think we are a pretty religious family, which we are not.

Later I looked up the meaning of Eric. It means “ever-powerful”. Then I looked up his middle name. It means “manly”. Mom, Dad, if there’s anything to this name meaning stuff and Eric’s behavior as a child, I think you brought it on yourselves.

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