Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today is Saint Eric’s day. Seriously.

Eric was a Swedish king about whom very little is known. He reigned for 5 years before being murdered at age 41 by a rival claimant to the throne. It is said that a fountain sprung from the earth where his head landed after he was beheaded. He codified the laws of his kingdom which became known as King Eric’s law. He also did much to promote Christianity in his land and in Finland. He is the patron saint of Stockholm and featured on the seal of the city.

My Eric was a New Jersey boy who would have loved to be a king. Not much is known about him in the greater world, but this blog will hopefully change that. He was not murdered, but died young and unjustly. A fountain of tears was seen in his hospital room. He created laws in his world. Laws such as:

1. Transcend climate—Wear what you want regardless of the weather.

2. It’s ok, in fact it’s preferable, to eat Doritos or a bag of popcorn for dinner. Dessert can be a mix of melted Milky Ways and Goldfish crackers.

3. An apartment does not need a couch, but a reading room is a must.

4. When buying presents for children, the larger and louder the better.

5. When buying presents for everyone else, be generous.

6. Do what you love to do even if everyone else doubts your way.

7. Let your love for your family and friends be known.

He is the patron saint of my heart and my family. He is incredibly missed and will never be forgotten.

Thank you for reading and supporting me through this journey. Please continue to follow me at my new home, LITTLE MANic where I’ll continue to write about my life, my boys and of course, Eric.


  1. I did not want to read this one. I did not want this blog to end. I will go to LITTLEMANic and be with you there. But this is where we met and it is here that I learned so much about family and grief and going on. I thank you SO MUCH for making my life better, here, in this space.

  2. Wow!! What a journey! Eric most definitely was a saint in your eyes... his sister. Love the last entry and look forward to the next chapter in your life. Love you and your family. Your cousin, Lori

  3. Gail Fishman GerwinMay 18, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    Thanks for the journey, Liz.

  4. Congratulations, Liz and here's to St. Eric and the boy from NJ we've all gotten to know through your blog. Checking out the new one now....
