Tuesday, November 2, 2010

#190 IKEA

We went to IKEA this weekend. I would highly recommend a visit. Especially if you have children. Even if you don’t need any furniture. They have a free, supervised play area. You get an hour of kid-free time to spend with your spouse or a friend or even alone. Lovely.

We actually did need furniture and found what we were looking for at very reasonable prices. That made the day even better.

If you’ve never been to IKEA, let me set the scene for you. The showrooms are set up along a winding path which you follow through the entire store. Some areas just have lots of display furniture, other areas are set up as rooms that you can meander through and see how the furniture could be placed. It’s fun to compare pieces as you go. Anything you think you might want you write on your little score card so you can go to the warehouse and pick it up later. Yes, you have to get it from the warehouse yourself….just another way they keep the prices low. On the plus side, the warehouse is on the way to checkout and they have really cool handcarts that your children will love to push for you. It works even better if you have a husband (or any able-bodied, strong, non-pregnant person) with you to do all of the heavy lifting…and the assembly later. Can you tell I love IKEA?

We were in the children’s section when I heard it. “Eric…..Eric…..Eric……?!” Remember the post where I talked about the curse of naming your child Eric? Everyone, in every store we ever went to, knew Eric’s name; and apparently this Eric too. I don’t know why this mom didn’t drop her Eric off at the wonderful play area, but maybe she was afraid he would destroy it as our Eric might have.

It actually made me smile first, and then feel sad to have to this experience. I was surprised the smile made it in there, but surprised in a good way.

There’s still no way this baby’s first name will be Eric.

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