Friday, October 8, 2010

#166 Little boys

People keep telling me how fitting it is that the baby I am carrying is a boy, and tell me that they hope he will be just like Eric. Is it a betrayal of him to say that I do not?

I think this blog is ample evidence that I love and treasure and miss Eric, but do I want a re-creation of him as a child? Um….no. He drove my mother absolutely nuts. He literally swung from chandeliers and knocked out all the knot holes in a friend’s deck with a hammer. He sawed off a corner of a wall in our house. He made a volcano with gasoline.

He was undeniably adorable and precocious and funny, but…..he escaped from the house when no one knew he was out and about until he was brought back to our front door by some neighbor ladies…when he was three.

My mother always said that the curse was in the name. Everyone she knew who had an Eric, or an Erica for that matter, had behavior issues. Even as an infant, Eric would throw his head back every time he was carried through a doorway causing inadvertent head bumps. (that could actually explain a lot…)

So while I want this baby to happy and healthy and smart and inquisitive, I don’t really want him to be just like Eric. And his name will not be Eric…at least not his first name.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Sorry I was one of the one's who wanted him to be "like Eric"! HA! I think it would still be awesome if he had SOME of Eric's attributes. :)
