Tuesday, September 14, 2010

#142 I'm meeeeeelting........

My kids are really into making disgusting noises at the dinner table. It seems I am constantly asking them not to spit, or make farting or burping noises. I guess this is what I get with boys. I don’t remember Eric and I doing this (although we probably did) but I do remember some other things that would drive me nuts if my kids did them now.

I can remember being out at a restaurant (several actually) and pretending to melt off of our chairs. We would say “I’m meeeeelting, like buuuutterrrr….” and slide off the chairs to end up under the table. Then we’d regain our seats and do it again. I’m not sure why this was so much fun, but trust me it was. We would laugh and laugh and laugh.

It also amused us to scratch each other’s itches. Or more accurately, decide the other person had an itch and then reach over and scratch it while telling them they had an itch. Again, it doesn’t sound so exciting when I type it out, but it was a riot at the time.

Last Thursday night we took the kids out for dinner to a local pizza place and they each got some pizza dough to play with while we waited for our food. I had to restrain myself from telling them how to play with it—although I did draw the line at putting it in their hair. I have to remember that someday these will be memories they will cherish, just as I cherish my memories of Eric. Only, hopefully, their circumstances will be different.

1 comment:

  1. Posts like this make me ache with the hurt of missing him. And, I keep seeing things that I want to buy for when he has kids (annoying things that I know he'd find funny). Thanks for opening yourself up, and letting us share some memories we never experienced.
