Wednesday, September 8, 2010

#136 Ambush by mail

I got a letter from the lawyer handling Eric’s estate yesterday. Just typing Eric’s estate gives me the chills. He should not have an estate, not yet.

The letter was a summary of the value of Eric’s estate. All of his banking and investment accounts have been identified and closed, his car has been sold and it’s all been added up to represent him in a series of numbers.

I don’t think this comes close to estimating the value of Eric’s estate. What about the memories? What about the Star Trek t-shirt on the very top shelf of my closet that makes me smile and want to cry at the same time when I see it?

I know we have to be practical and dot every i and cross every t, but it’s hard when it comes at you out of nowhere in the mail.

I don’t really know (or care) what will happen to the money represented there. I assume most will probably go to pay for the lawyer and the rest to my parents. That money does not represent Eric. I wish he could still be here to use it for vacations and sports gear and gifts for Katie and my kids and anything else he wanted to.

Seeing that letter in black and white, with it’s notarized signatures and legalese just made it real all over again.

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