Tuesday, December 14, 2010

#232 He's everywhere

I had a really odd dream last night. I was in the car with my mom, she was driving and I was riding shotgun. We were on a highway somewhere when a silver pick up truck came driving up next to us. The front of the pickup had a sign on the top, a really large sign, which was also silver with red lettering. It had the University of Oklahoma logo and some text that I can’t exactly remember now. I think it represented some sort of challenge to Sooner fans, and it was funny, and it was signed by Eric. I remember thinking it must have been a vehicle that Eric had owned and then sold and the new owner just never changed the sign. I tried to get my mom to pull up next to it so I could take a picture, but we were always just behind or just in front and I never could get a good one.

Weird in so many ways. Eric never owned a pick up truck. (that I know of anyway) Eric loved Oklahoma, but I wouldn’t call him an OU fan or someone who would bait OU fans. He just wasn’t into sports.

I spent most of the rest of the night trying to remember exactly what the sign said and trying to figure out what the dream meant. Obviously I failed to remember what the wording was. I’m not sure what the dream meant, I’ve never really been into dream interpretation, but I think it means that for me, Eric is everywhere.

When I was little I can remember being told that God is everywhere, in everything. I can remember looking at a vase in the formal living room, a room where I was not allowed to play, and wondering if God was in that vase. I’m not trying to compare Eric to God except in this one small way, everything I see and do is infused with an awareness of Eric.

He would love that. We used to joke that if his head got any bigger it wouldn’t fit through the door, so he would be amused that I now live in a world interpreted by my experiences with him. He’s clearly not my sole influence and not the largest or the one I heed the most—but he is there. Always and everywhere.

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