Thursday, December 9, 2010

#227 Thankful

Thank you.

I have found the thankfulness I was missing at Thanksgiving. Yesterday was a really rough day, although I have to say, the anticipation was worse. I didn’t know how I was going to feel or what it was going to be like. It was just another day and yet there was so much significance there. Thanks to you, it was more uplifting than I thought it would be.

I am thankful for my husband who let me have a day off from life. I helped get the boys up for school and then retreated to the bedroom until they left. I didn’t leave the house or really do anything productive, but it was still time well spent. By the boys’ bedtime I was ready to face the world again. Thank you for that gift.

I am thankful to my sons who noticed the Yahrzeit (memorial) candle I had burning for Eric and remembered him also, but didn’t let it dampen their spirits. I needed them to be themselves to pull me out of myself, and they were wonderful. Another gift.

I am thankful to all of the friends and family who contacted me through the blog, email, facebook and phone calls. Your comments were beautiful and poignant and though some made me cry, they were just what I needed. Many, many gifts.

I am thankful that Eric had so many wonderful friends and experiences. It means more people are hurting now, but it helps to know how full his short life was.

The anniversary fell on the last night of Chanukah this year and I got so many wonderful gifts I wasn’t expecting.

Thank you.

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