Saturday, October 30, 2010

#187 Alchemy

Eric and I were alchemists. I can remember taking everything we could find in the bathroom; toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap etc and mixing it all together to see if we could make something entirely different. Usually we just came up with a mixed up mess. Except for one time….

Once Eric presented me with a Tupperware container of a liquid that looked and smelled like urine. He claimed he had created it by mixing things found in the bathroom. I believed him. I pestered him for what in my memory seems like years, but was probably only weeks or maybe months to tell me how he had done it. He claimed he couldn’t remember.

It took me WAY too long to realize that he had actually peed in the container and that the liquid was actual urine.

I guess Eric was an alchemist and I was just gullible.

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