Saturday, October 2, 2010

#160 XO does not mean hugs and kisses

A couple of years ago for Chanukah we got out boys an XO laptop computer. This is an incredibly durable laptop made for use in third world countries. The goal of the company, One Laptop per Child, is to get computers in the hands of children who might not otherwise get them. If you buy one during the holiday season, they will donate one to a child in a developing country. At the time my oldest was 5 and my youngest was 2 and we thought they would have fun playing with it and develop some computer skills at the same time…at least the 5 year old would anyway.

We didn’t know that Eric had also bought one for himself. He liked how small and lightweight it was as well as liking the company’s mission. He used it as an e-book reader during flights.

We didn’t realize (at least I didn’t) that it would come with a wholly foreign operating system that 2 years later I still don’t know how to work.

That Thanksgiving Eric was busy showing his off and our oldest was clearly enthralled. I was relieved, thinking that between my husband and Eric we could make this thing work. We hadn’t given ours to the boys yet, so they didn’t know they were getting one, but I was glad they liked Eric’s.

Well, my oldest never really did get into that computer, but my youngest loves it. He’ll turn 4 in about a week and he calls it his “website”. He puts a lot of things on it, such as rocks he finds outside. Today he was busy putting “My Baby Can Read” on his website, a product they are fascinated with from the commercials.

My oldest prefers a laptop with Windows where he can go to his favorite actual websites and play the games he likes.

I dread when my youngest pulls out the XO because I still don’t know how to work it. Usually I can blunder my way to a screen that will allow him to type which keeps him happy, but this is harder than you might think.

Eric, I need your help. There is a “website” here that needs your expertise. And some nephews who need your own special brand of eccentric. And a sister who misses it all.

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