Sunday, August 1, 2010

#98 Ninja!

One of the things I took from Eric’s apartment was a ninja costume. Yes, a costume, as in dress up or (hopefully) Halloween. It was unopened and sized for ages 8-10. I’m not really sure why he had this. I know it was not a hold over from childhood because we never bought our Halloween costumes. My very talented mother used to make them all. It took me a long time to get over the guilt of not doing that for my own children, but that’s a talent I did not inherit. I know he and his girlfriend had some inside jokes about ninjas, so maybe it was related to that, but why for an 8-10 year old?? Maybe he misread the package. I took it because I thought my boys might like it.

We opened it the other day and even on my oldest who will be 7 in December, the shirt is like a dress and the pants would come up over his head. Maybe Eric had the sizing right after all. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t fit, my boys still love it. We leave off the pants and they wear the other parts and run around the house doing made up karate moves. It’s pretty cute.

My parents are visiting this weekend and this morning when my Dad was in the shower my 3 year old dressed up in the costume. He had on the shirt which has a hood and the scarf that ties over the lower part of your face. He went to surprise Grandpa who pretended not to know who it was until the scarf was removed. My 3 year old found that hysterical.

I’ll never know why Eric had that costume, but I’m glad my kids like it. Thanks Eric, for the gifts you’ll never even know you gave.

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