Tuesday, April 26, 2011

#349 Time Management

I know I need to be enjoying every moment of my life. If I have learned anything from Eric it’s this. The weather is gorgeous and I want to be outside, but the laundry needs to be done and the baby needs to be fed and the kitchen needs to be cleaned. And I’m exhausted and would love to take a nap.

Sometimes I can ignore the housework and play with the kids, or take a walk, or a nap but not always. It does need to get done somehow.

In about a month the ultimate buzz kill is coming. I’m going to have to go back to work. I am loving being home and I want to savor every minute of it. I also feel like I should get all the big house projects done before I go back because if I feel pressed for time now, it will only get worse when I add work into the mix.

I hope I can find a way to get it all done and still stay sane. I want the impossible. I want it all. My kids will never be this age again. Life continually changes and moves on and ends whether you want it to or not. I have to take advantage. Somehow I will.

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