Monday, May 16, 2011

#365 Camouflage

I am almost done. This is the second to last post in this blog. There are so many things I could write about today.

I could talk about how it feels to be so close to the end, certainly there are many conflicting emotions.

I just got back from a weekend in Savannah where my parents, husband, uncle and I scattered my grandmother’s ashes. We put some of them in my parent’s backyard, with Eric’s. It was incredibly emotional and worthy of a blog post.

I could shamelessly plug my friend Sarah’s blog, Lunch Box Mom, for several reasons. It’s an excellent blog all around, but today’s is all about me and my blog.

But what I really want to talk about is camouflage.

Yup, camouflage.

Eric had a camouflage outfit before you could buy it in any store. He was obsessed with all things military and my mom went to the Army Navy Surplus Store and bought him camouflage. It didn’t come in kid’s sizes so she had to take it in and shorten it and she gradually let it out and lengthened it as he grew so he was able to wear it for years. Eric flirted with ROTC in college and tried to become a Marine JAG in law school. I don’t think he really ever got over his military dreams; his knees were what kept him a civilian.

My seven year old informed me last week that he intends to go into the army when he grows up. He has a highly formed sense of justice and wants to help defend our country and others who can’t defend themselves. I can’t say I’m thrilled about this career choice, I don’t want my son in harm’s way, but he’s only seven, maybe he’ll grow out of it. At the moment I’m choosing to support him. I got him some camouflage shorts. Luckily for him they do make kid’s sizes now because I’m not the seamstress my mother is. Whenever I see him in them, I think about Eric.

I haven’t told him about Eric’s military ambitions, I really don’t want to encourage him and that might just do it. He loves being compared to Uncle Eric. I think I’ll just keep this comparison to myself.

Oh, and you really should check out Lunch Box Mom’s blog both for me and because I think you‘ll find her other posts informative, interesting and entertaining. You can find it here.

Stayed tuned for the last installment of this blog coming this week

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