Friday, July 30, 2010

#96 Doritos

Have I mentioned Eric’s obsession with Doritos? Those of you who know me from way back when will be wondering if I have confused Eric with myself, but both of us were enthralled with the fluorescent orange chips. No ranch or newer, fancier flavors for us, just good old nacho cheese Doritos.

Growing up we never had a lot of junk food in the house. There were Chips Ahoy for after dinner and goldfish crackers and that was about it. Every time we had guests, however, Eric and I were allowed to select a treat for the kids and we always picked Doritos. The chips always went in the same bowl decorated with mushrooms that we also used for popcorn. When the guests arrived the Doritos would be poured into the bowl, the kids would rush them, they would disappear and then we would play.

When Eric and my parents moved to Thailand, Doritos could not be purchased there. (Nor could cranberry juice or a whole host of other things I had to bring in my luggage whenever I visited) When Eric graduated from high school I was not supposed to be there. Together my parents and I planned a surprise visit, and I brought him Doritos. The bag popped from the pressurization in the airplane (or was it the depressurization?) but we still enjoyed them.

Later I swore off Doritos—I truly think I was addicted—but Eric never did. He would “be good” in his normal life, eating healthy and exercising and then come to my parents for Thanksgiving and eat Doritos, Milky Ways, bagels slathered in butter and cheddar cheese and anything else he could get his hands on (or buy at Wal-Mart).

He even used Doritos as a legitimate ingredient with Katie, making Doritos crusted chicken. This was a much bigger success than the Doritos omelet, or the Doritos chocolate chip cookies…..

I don’t know why we both fixated on Doritos, but we did. If I still ate them, I would have some in his honor, but for my waist line, I think it’s better if I continue my abstinence.


  1. I remember the Doritos at your house!! This post brought back memories.

  2. I love doritos! I used to bring them back to Bangkok whenever we'd go to the US for a vacation. Doritos are still my favorite junk, dipped in gobs of greek yogurt..yum...
