Sunday, July 25, 2010

#91 War

Eric has always been fascinated with all things military. He loved dressing in camouflage as a child and played with toy soldiers. He had a kit where he could make them with lead that we both enjoyed. As a college student he participated in some of Harvard’s ROTC activities, and he went to law school with the aim of becoming a Marine JAG. He picked the Marines because he would still have to pass a physical test even though he would be entering as an officer. I think he had something to prove to himself. Unfortunately, his knees failed him and he was never able to complete the run they required. Ironic, isn’t it?

He followed conflicts all around the world even as a teenager. I remember him researching for a school paper on the Khmer Rouge when I had never even heard of them.

When we cleaned out his apartment I took three of his rugs, among other things. One was a large Oriental rug that has a long storied past, originally belonging to a high school friend of my father’s that is now in my dining room. Another is a zebra print rug that I had no idea what I was going to do with but has found a home in the room my boys share.

I also took a small Oriental rug that he had in his living room. It wasn’t until about a month ago that I actually looked at the pattern on the small rug and realized it was military themed. There are guns and tanks and grenades and helicopters. It is just so Eric.

I asked my Mom where the rug came from and it turns out she bought it for him. It is a War rug from Afghanistan. It’s definitely not what I would have picked out for myself, but as a legacy from Eric, it’s perfect.

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