Monday, July 12, 2010

#78 I got nothin'

So what if I don’t have a blog for today? It doesn’t say 366 consecutive days anywhere does it? And I have a cold. And it’s my first day back at work after vacation. And I had an early OR case this morning. And. And. And.

I can come up with a lot of excuses for not having a blog today, but I still want to post one. I have set a challenge for myself and like Eric would have, I’m going to do my best to meet it.

I divided 78 into 366 this morning and the answer was about 4.7. That means I’m almost a quarter done with this project. That made me feel pretty good. I don’t think I truly realized what a challenge I had set for myself when I did this. Writing something everyday about anything is a challenge, let alone such an emotionally charged subject. Some days I just don’t want to get into it. For a while, I was several blog posts ahead, so if I didn’t feel like writing I didn’t have to, but lately I haven’t been quite so prolific. I’m hoping that stage will return at some point.

For now I know, and you know, that we’re all thinking about Eric even if I can’t come up with anything profound to say. Stay tuned...I promise something better for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Liz--78 is amazing. And the fact that you wrote about not having a blog is a very creative way of not having a blog post and still having one. You are well ahead of most bloggers...
